Laser Treatment for Acne
The problem of acne can be quite embarrassing for everybody but it feels more upsetting when acne leaves behind unsightly and disfiguring signs. If you are looking for such a treatment that will treat acne and also remove scars permanently, then laser treatment for acne is the right answer. Treating acne scars with laser will not only tackle ugly acne effectively but also provide your skin gorgeous look thus enhance your confidence. Even, the success rate of the laser treatment is quite high.
Before starting the laser treatment, desensitizing cream is applied on the area to be treated that would numb the area. When the laser procedure is used as therapy for acne, the dermatologist will emit the laser over the affected areas and this kills the bacteria on the face. Then the laser is used to shrink the oil glands- contribute to acne breakouts - by pulsating the heat under the skin. The procedure should stop the spread of acne to other areas of the face and reduce breakouts.
Different types of laser treatments
The objective of laser treatment is to kill the bacteria- present in the pore and to repair the damaged skin tissues. There are different kinds of laser therapies that are used to treat the acne scars condition. Different kind of laser treatment includes:
Nonablative Lasers
This is the kind of the laser therapy that works by working its way underneath the skin and thus it stimulates the growth of collagen and helps to tighten the skin. The outcome of this therapy is that it will result in a good skin tone, reduction of the fine lines and a very obvious different in the appearance of the skin in positive terms and ultimately results in the elimination of the acne problem from the skin of the face.
Erbium Lasers
This laser therapy works in a different way than the nonablative laser therapy in which it just does not work on the ducts of the skin, but rather works on the water molecules in the skin and this laser therapy is mostly used in people who have very shallow or a moderate level of facial wrinkles or facial lesions. This treatment is the right choice for acne treatment and the removal of the acne lesions.
Carbon Dioxide Lasers
This is another kind of laser treatment in which there is emission of short outbursts of high energy light to the skin. The damaged part of the skin vaporizes the skin in layer by layer. This laser therapy works in removing all types of acne is considered as the best acne treatment.
Apart from that, the number of laser treatment you require depend upon several factors such as where your acne is located, how sever your acne problem is. In some cases, laser treatment is quite effective. But in other cases, there may be more than one treatment necessary.